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Welcome to the

Cockenzie Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

Consultation Website​

Welcome to the public consultation website for proposed development at Land south of Inglis Farm, Cockenzie, East Lothian, EH32 0JT.

Gresham House are proposing to construct and operate a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).


They will be connecting into the Scottish Power Transmission (SPT) network who are building their own substation. This is at a point in the network where renewable generation, together with Battery Storage, can provide this power, quality and resilience.


Locating the BESS project adjacent to the SPT Cockenzie Substation provides a viable and cost effective connection at this important node of the network.


SPT are a distribution and transmission network operator who take electricity generated from power stations, windfarms and various other utilities and transport it through their vast transmission network. Their systems are crucial to the delivery of the Government’s renewable energy objectives.

An initial consultation exhibition was held on 1st June 2023. A second consultation will now be held prior to an application being submitted to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU).

The proposed plans will be available to view on this website prior to an application being submitted to the ECU.
Appointment only surgeries are being held virtually between Thursday 13th July - Thursday 3rd August 2023. Virtual appointments are available between 9am-5:30pm Mondays - Fridays. If you cannot make an appointment during these times, please contact us and we can make alternative arrangements.
Alternatively, there may be an opportunity to book an in-person appointment at Willow Room, Cockenzie House and Gardens, 22 Edinburgh Road, Cockenzie, East Lothian, EH32 0HY on Thursday 20th July 2023 between 3pm - 7pm. Please email or call 0113 287 8200 to book a 15 minute individual virtual or in-person appointment where members of the project team with Pegasus Group, the planning consultants, will be available at appointments to listen to your thoughts and answer any questions you may have.
If you would like an in-person appointment, please contact us by 5pm on the 13th July.

Following the second public consultation, the application will be prepared and submitted to the ECU.

Once the application is submitted to the ECU, all formal application material will be publicly available to view on their website.

Why This Site?

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The Scottish Government has set a target within The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, to achieve net-zero emissions by 2045, with an initial target of being able to achieve this for short periods by 2025. National Grid estimate that 13GW of batteries are required to ensure that energy generated by renewables can be stored when it is not required, and then used when it is and to provide power quality services as traditional generation is phased down.

The site is located within Land at Former Cockenzie Power Station under policy PROP EGT1 within the East Lothian Council Local Development Plan 2018. This policy states “Land at the above site will be safeguarded for future thermal power generation and carbon capture and storage consistent with National Development 3. Land at Cockenzie may also present significant opportunities for renewable energy-related investment. The council will work together with developers, the landowner, the relevant agencies, local organisations and interested parties, including local residents to ensure that the best use is made of the existing land and infrastructure in this area. If there is insufficient land for competing proposals, priority will be given to those which make best use of the location’s assets and which will bring the greatest economic benefits. Development proposals must avoid unacceptable impact on the amenity of the surrounding area, including residential development.”

As such, the site is considered to be suitable for battery energy storage use.

As part of the proposals a substation is proposed on the site which the BESS will connect to. The substation will be at a point in the network where renewable generation, including Battery Storage, can provide this power quality and resilience. Locating the substation and BESS on the same site, ensures a cost effective and viable connection at this important node of the network.

The proposed battery storage energy facility would provide a significant contribution to the energy storage targets in the timescales necessary to contribute to the UK’s progress in meeting its renewable energy targets. It would also provide rapid-response electrical backup to the Scottish Power Transmission, providing a flexible system to balance energy supply and demand.


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The Site
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Site Analysis

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The following works will be undertaken to support any future planning application on this site, and inform the final design of the scheme:

Flood Risk and Drainage

The site is identified as having no specific risk of flooding as per the Scottish Environment Protection Agency Flood Hazard and Flood Risk Information. As such, the proposals will not increase the risk of flooding on site or in the local area.

Site Analysis

What is Proposed?

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The proposal consists of the construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System. Access to the site will be taken from the south of the site. The associated equipment will be split between two areas of the site and would comprise:

  • Battery storage units – battery units arranged in rows around 7m in length, around 2.8m wide, and around 3.1m in height;

  • Switchgear containers – around 20m in length, around 3.5m wide and around 4.1m in  height;

  • Inverters and transformers local to the batteries will be around 3m in height;

  • 3 substations and substation equipment, with some elements being in the region of 14m in height. Further details are as follows:

Substation 1 (132kV)

- Control room – around 6.5m in length, around 3.9m wide and 3m in height;

- 132kV transformer - around 6m in length, around 3.5m wide and around 3.8m in height;

- Removable panels;

- 132kV switch house enclosure around 8.1m in length, around 6m wide, and around 6.3m in height;

- Auxiliary transformer around 2.6m in length, 2.4m wide and around 3m in height;

- Acoustic fence around 4m in height

Substation 2 (132kV)

- Control room/auxiliary room – around 11m in length, around 4m wide and around 3m in height;

- 2no. 132kV transformers around 11m in length, around 9m wide and around 5.7m in height;

- Fire wall to south and in-between the 2no. 132kV transformers, around 6.1m in height;

- Acoustic fence around 4m in height;

- 132kV switch house enclosure around 15m in length, around 11m wide and around 8.2m in height;

- Auxiliary transformer around 2.6m in length, 2.4m wide and around 3m in height.

Substation 3 (400kV)

- Auxiliary transformer around 2.6m in length, 2.4m wide and around 3m in height;

- Customer control room around 11.4m in height, 3.3m wide and 2.5m in height.

Other Details


- Landscaped bunds;

- Landscape features around the site will include trees and hedgerow planting;

- Site fencing, access gate and CCTV – around 2.4m high security mesh fence with access gates, CCTV and light poles to be around 5m high.

- Wires to existing pylons

Consultation Boards

Consultation Boards

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Consultation boards are available to download here.

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The comments period for public consultation is now closed. Comments on the application can be made directly to ECU. Details to access the application on ECU’s portal are provided in the ‘Application Documents’ section below

Application Documents
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Application Documents


An application for the Cockenzie Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Transformers, Substations and Associated Infrastructure was submitted under the Section 36 application process to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit on 19th January 2024, application ECU00004926 and is a live application. 


The submitted application for the Cockenzie BESS is comprehensive in its description and analysis of design, ecology, noise, heritage, landscape and transport features of the project. You can view the documents on the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit website at, application reference number ECU00004926 Cockenzie BESS,


Or via link: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details


The below documents have been submitted as part of the application and can be downloaded.

Submitted Drawing Package

Submitted Reports Package

November 2024 Update


Application ECU Reference: ECU00004926 is still under consideration by the Scottish Ministers. This application is being amended to sub-divide the site with Parcel A being retained, and a new application for Parcel B. The collective administrative output being that two S36 consents can be issued and assigned accordingly. There are no material changes to the layout/design as previously assessed and the proposed scheme is considered to be as per the previously submitted application. The two applications are effectively the same, retaining the same red line boundary plan; supporting information; mitigation/enhancements. Common elements, such as substations, are retained within both schemes and the formation of the two parcels are reflected within the revised plans. Consequently, the submissions made to the Scottish Ministers seeks consent to construct and operate:


• Application A (Amendment): "Application for Battery Energy Storage System and Associated Infrastructure amendment to application only, to sub-divide the Site with 'Parcel A' being retained, comprising 240 MW of BESS and Associated Infrastructure).


• Application B New "Application for Battery Energy Storage System and Associated Infrastructure (amendment to application ECU Reference: ECUO0004926, to sub-divide the Site with Parcel B being formed comprising 102 MW of BESS and Associated Infrastructure).

You can view the documents of Application B on the Scottish Government Energy Consents website at, application reference number ECU00006022, or via link:


As part of this updated plans have been prepared as well as an Addendum Statement for each application. These can be viewed via the below links.


The Addendum Statements are intended to be read as an addendum to the previously submitted documents and plans which was submitted with the application in January 2024 It accompanies a submission amending the application and is complemented by an amended plan pack.


Information previously submitted within the originally submitted documents has not been repeated and as such the Addendum only deals with matters raised as a result of the proposed amendments to the application and amended submitted plans.

The previously submitted reports have assessed a worst-case scenario i.e. considering Parcel A and Parcel B alongside each other for example, in terms of noise, visual impacts, ecology and highways. Whilst separate consents are now being sought for the two parcels, the amendments/new application are only required to facilitate two consents for assignment purposes only. The likelihood is that the two parcels will be constructed side by side. However, by ensuring that the mitigation and enhancement requirements set out within the supporting documents and plans are delivered (in the event that only one parcel is commenced and completed, or that they come forward at different times), they have (in their entirety) been retained in this submission and conditions can be imposed accordingly. On this basis the mitigation enhancement measures are potentially an over provision in some cases


The application has been subject to statutory consultee comments and found to be acceptable by East Lothian Council, Nature Scot, RSPB Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Network Rail, Transport Scotland, Scottish Forestry and Scottish Water. The underlying development is fundamentally the same and all mitigation enhancements remain.


On this basis as such the conclusions of the previously submitted reports remain valid.


Amended Application A - Updated Plans & Reports

Amended Application B - Updated Plans & Reports


Pegasus Group

Green Lane



LS25 2AF

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